Tuesday 11 November 2014

Family Court System underfunded

According to the KPMG report the Family Court system is underfunded and thus under resourced.

No doubt most lawyers could have told you this before the report, with cases taking up to two years to make their way through the system to a final hearing.

And of course what most lawyers also know is that this type of delay is not good for anyone, particularly the people who rely on this system to make a decision for them.

What does this latest news mean? No doubt more delay.

Some sources say that over the next year twelve judges are due to retire, with no replacements for them on the horizon. It is believed that waiting times will go out to three years.

So not only do people face enormous financial strain by going to the family court, with people spending in excess of twenty thousand dollars to get to final hearing, but they have to wait years for their case to be heard.

It is no wonder some people are turning to divorce mediation as an alternative.

There are organisations like Relationships Australia offering mediation and there are private mediators.

Bass Bay Mediation is one such private mediation service who run their business from the Mornington Peninsula.


Surely a solution arrived at by the two parties to the dispute would be better than one imposed on them by a judge after waiting two to three years?