Tuesday 9 December 2014

New Year Resolution for Separated and Feuding Couples

With Christmas around the corner, the start to a new year is also not too far off. For many the new year is about starting afresh, putting the old behind and looking forward to the new. It is the same for those who have separated. 

If you have been stuck in the rut with your ex about settling property matters, now is the time to do it. 

What you have to ask yourself is does it really matter if you have to give a little to bring things to an end or are you hanging on for a reason? 

Sometimes people simply carry on the fight so as not to end the relationship, as signing off on property (or children orders) on a final basis means the relationship has well and truly come to an end. There will no longer be a need to communicate with your ex once you both sign on the dotted line and agree to orders. 

This can be a scary thing for some. Whilst ever there is a fight about property or children there is contact with your partner, all be it unpleasant contact (most of the time). But it is still contact. You are continuing your relationship, just in a different way to before. 

It is exactly for this reason you should take the bull by the horn and make your new year resolution to start afresh. And starting afresh means you need to let go of the old. Remember the saying out with the old and in with the new?

How can you meet someone else while you are embroiled in bitter family law proceedings or simply still arguing with your ex about how property should be divided? And if you have met someone else already they may be tired of you going on and on about how awful your ex is and also want you to move on. Lets face it, no one wants to continuously hear about the other partner's ex spouse. 

So if you are in need of a new year's resolution and you have not sorted out matters between you and your ex, now is the time. 

Let bygones be bygones and move on. It will be worth it. Just think who you will feel when the clock strikes midnight on the 31st of December 2014 and a the new year starts and it will be ex spouse free? 

Hopefully care free and fantastic, ready to embrace the world and face any challenge thrown your way. 

Go for it.